
Every swimming pool, spa, or landscape pond is probably going to start leaking at some point in its useful life. Pools are meant to be watertight but sealants will deteriorate while other parts of your pool shift and settle or just plain wear out.  Pools can leak through any of the fittings or accessories, plumbing, or even right through the shell. These pesky problems can be more than just an inconvenience.

It is important to repair leaks, not only to save water, heat, and chemicals, but also to prevent the washing away of fill dirt, destroying your pools necessary structure.

An un-repaired hole the size of a pencil tip can result in hundreds of gallons of water lost per day. In addition to the replacement cost of the water, leaks in your pool will increase chemical demands, and may lead to more serious mechanical problems.

Fortunately, Gold Star Pools is practiced in locating and repairing these leaks. First, we ask questions about the age and type of pool, and when the leak started. Then we dive the pool and complete a visual inspection of all vulnerable areas of pool and or spa shell — the majority of leaks are found in this manner and is a simple repair. Based on the results of the initial inspection we can determine if more aggressive techniques are needed to pinpoint the pool leak.